Raiding - Progressing on Spoils
We were ready for Spoils again, and this time we had 6 mainspec DPS (though Asys did a good job last time). So we had Aimei, myself, Sev, Nath and Jazz on one side, and Exray, Lushen, Aza, Luxy and...
View ArticleBedtime story strats - The Tale of the Two Bad Shamans
"You haven't told me a new story for such a long time, Mama," said my daughter, accusingly. "When are you going to tell me a new story? A World of Warcraft one!""I've got a few stories I can tell you...
View ArticlePet Battles: Major Payne's Advanced Pet Battle Training with Durotar's Zunta
CrithtoCommunity ManagerWell, it's finally here! The newly revamped blog aptly titled, Major Payne's Advanced Pet Battles Training. Based on a lot of the feedback you good tamers shared with me, I've...
View ArticleRaiding and Guildleader Chores: Jumping from Flex raiding to Heroic raiding
I was thinking last week about getting Tensai (our casual holy paladin) in for some raiding - he's always on, and I saw he had managed to help out his old guild with a Heroic Immerseus kill so he could...
View ArticlePet Battles: Major Payne's Advanced Pet Battle Training with Dagra in...
After my failed attempt at one of the previous challenges, I hoped that the next challenge would be much more doable.CrithtoCommunity ManagerDagra the Fierce beckons you from Northern Barrens. Assemble...
View ArticleRaiding: And the Spoils go to Frostwolves
Asys was missing again. I'm not sure where he goes at raid time! I hope he's ok - wish he would tell me what was happening.I felt like the biggest wuss, because I was having a hissy about having to...
View ArticleWoD Alpha (No spoilers here!) - Ironically, NOT meant to be
I was pretty excited the other week when I saw this tweet:To which I replied I wasn't in the alpha and had no idea how to get into it. Blizz_ANZ then sent me a DM asking for the email that my account...
View ArticleWeekend #FAFF and random WoW thoughts
It's been one of those weeks where I've been fluffing around. Since I hit full Grievous I haven't really felt like playing arena that much (and Shab decided to stop playing again so I was a bit glum)....
View ArticleGuild sillies: Transmog Roulette
Exray was asking people to roll 1-20 and I had no idea what he was doing. He said he was doing a random transmog. I still didn't understand what he was doing.So he said that he needed 8-9 random...
View ArticleGuildies: Lom and his Garrosh kill
Poor Lom has been sick or working so we hadn't seen much of him so when he started coming back online I had to remind him and everyone that it was Lom's turn for a Garrosh kill. We're slowly getting...
View ArticleThela's ROYGBiV Tmog challenge - Blue
In Thela's ROYGBiV Tmog challenge, June is blue, so here is my blue entry! The problem is that it looks suspiciously like Ut's transmog from that Rojak transmog competition - but that's what happens...
View ArticleThe end of innocence
** WARNING EXPLICIT LANGUAGE & ADULT THEMES ***** FURTHER READING MAY OFFEND ***My guildies know I have a bit of a filthy mind. But, some slang terms are still new to me, and reading blogs tends...
View ArticleNew additions to our Frostwolves Family
Though people may beg to differ, I think there are LOTS of benefits of being nice during flex raids.Dragonray had some friends from Nagrand who had wanted to come to our Flex. They were work friends...
View ArticleGuildleader chores - WoD changes to Guild levels and Perks
Watcher posted in the forums today about some of the changes they're planning in Warlords of Draenor. Here are some excerpts:...Since the introduction of the guild system in Cataclysm, the nature of...
View ArticleGuildleader chores: Bizarre behaviours and how to discourage them
There is SO much around about mistreatment of players in game because of their gender and in my perfect world, everyone would treat everyone the same - which is how I try to run my guild (though I am...
View ArticleMinipost: Raiding - Trying to 2 heal Thok is HORRIBLE
Raid moved a little slowly this week - can't remember if we were having issues on Immerseus or what, but by Monday we still had Spoils to do before we did Thok. Asys was lagging so he said he wouldn't...
View ArticleSee, nothing to worry about Mythic!
I saw this tweet and it made me VERY happy!This is a bit reassuring in that if we can PuG Mythic SoO cross realm to get our 20 then we will be able to still raid. I had resigned to just doing normals...
View ArticleMore Yay than nay for Cross faction AH in 6.0
When I heard that there was a blue post about a unified auction house I thought that was a brilliant solution, a much needed change!WatcherGame Designer06/30/2014 11:32 PMPosted by VerrazanoHopefully...
View ArticleGeek stuff: Sydney's Game of Thrones Exhibition - rumours about queue times...
The opening day of the Game of Thrones Exhibit (Tuesday 1 July) held at the Museum of Contemporary Art (MCA), Sydney, reported queues as long as 6 hours. They were not joking.I had resigned myself to...
View ArticleSunday morning musings
So now that I'm away from my home computer, I have some time to catch up with my reading! And news! And let out a few tiny insignificant opinions. Perhaps I'll do it Grumpy Elf style.- I finally saw...
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