Invisible Mages and Vanishing Rogues - have you seen many lately?
I was talking to Sev and Kyxyn in officer, and Kyxyn was talking about what we want to do in WoD and we were talking about mythic and I said that I was not interested in recruiting specifically for...
View ArticleGuildleader chores - filling your raid from your casual pool
There will always be times when your raid team is that little bit short and you need someone to fill a raid. I personally prefer to pull someone from my own guild, even a casual raider who is...
View ArticleRaiding - First joint flex weekend
I hate to make a bad impression on a first date. And what impression would it give when the GM who wanted this date to happen didn't show?Hands up all those who thought this is an actual picture of...
View ArticleRaiding - Thoughts on how we can do better on Galakras and Protectors
Protectors still seems so busy to me. I've got Morz and I still doing dispels but when things get so busy we get distracted and forget. Aimei is hating tanking at the moment as he is still getting...
View ArticleNoobs CAN get Gold Challenge mode (and my Resto Druid tips)
Those last two challenge modes I needed have been a little bit tricky. I got constant interruptions from a midnight waking child, who wants to lie down and cuddle mummy till he goes back to sleep. We...
View ArticleRaiding - The First Rule of Fight Club...
The first rule of Frostwolves raiding: is that we won't talk about Wednesday.I can hear you dying of curiosity.But I'm not supposed to say anything.Zzzzzip. Nada. Wednesday didn't happen........
View ArticleNavispam - Meeting up with Saundin IRL
Saundin, from Non-Squishy heals, is a well travelled individual. He spends a lot of time away from home working and he's been so busy this past year, I have hardly see him online except for those...
View ArticleThe only thing that disappointed me about Blizzcon - my plushie stuff up
One of the things that I really wanted from the Blizzcon store was the reversible plushie Baneling. I love reversible toys! I have a chicken that turns into an egg which is rather cool. It's like...
View ArticleMinndy - The baby lock hits 80!
This levelling really is super crazy easy with RAF and the heirlooms and whatever buffs Blizzard did. Soon after we hit 40 we ran a Razorfen Kraul (or was it Downs?) with Kyxyn's alt and Voros' alt,...
View ArticleA Frostwolves Raiding Bedtime story - Heroic Immerseus
"Mama," my daughter said, after she had finished reading her book to me, "Can you tell me a World of Warcraft story?"I picked up her book and put it back on the shelf. "Which story do you want? Do you...
View ArticleMinipost - 10 mins with the OLRG!
I got on for a few mins before lunch on Sunday, and Shoryl and Matty asked me to come to OLRG (Old Ladies Raiding Guild) with an alt! I only have one alliance one, Miniices, so these lovely ladies...
View ArticleRaiding - Achievements in Wing 1 Siege of Orgrimmar, Flex style
I managed to make the Saturday Flex with Concur, and surprisingly so did Aza. Kyxyn, Aimei, Asys, Morz and Alariantha were also there and we had a few hiccups on Blackfuse, and also hiccups for...
View ArticleRaiding - Confession: I am a palamino turner
Yes, that is me palamino turning. What is that, I hear you ask? Well, it's a term that Kyxyn had from his days from his hardcore raiding guild which describes keyboard turners. Yes, that is me. I...
View ArticleRaiding - Taking Pride in our work
We were having bashes at Heroic Sha of Pride yesterday and it just felt like we weren't getting anywhere. We were consistently getting to 50% or so and people would die to Bursting Pride, or not...
View ArticleGuildleader chores - Combining Skill mix, socials and new blood (TLDR version)
I have been looking at the guilds around us, and trying to see what I like about them and what I don't like, and to kinda get a vision of what I want from a guild. The problem is, what if the vision I...
View ArticleOld Ri and the Million Souls
I saw this book on the ground at the Inn at Halfhill the other day and it made me think a little about what is real.Old Ri and the Million SoulsLate one autumn evening, two good friends sat on the deck...
View ArticleAnd so Challenge Modes will depart.... but they shall return
It was Askevar who first brought to my attention that Challenge modes will be gone in 6.0, and she offered to invite people from Frostwolves to join as socials to Band of Misfits so they could access...
View ArticleFrostwolves Bedtime Story Strats - The tale of the Fallen Protectors
"Can you tell me that story about Aunty Luxy and Uncle Sev again?" asked my daughter."Which story was that?" I asked. I think Sev and Luxy would be horrified to hear that they had their own story......
View ArticleRaiding - A full clear of Flex this week! And considering some changes....
The guild we wanted to do Flex with wasn't organising their Flex on Saturday as two of the officers weren't on to organise it. I still wanted my Garrosh kill so Kyxyn and I decided to form our own.We...
View ArticleRaiding - Galakras, your ass is GRASS!
On Kyxyn's recommendation, I've started watching Warcraft Academy's heroic guides. They are concise, factual and the guy has a great speaking voice and the videos are informative. Though, I wish they...
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