A lot of people are excited about the selfie-cam, and I see it peppered throughout my twitter. I think I got the mission for it much later than everyone else and then all I was thinking about is WHY IS THIS THING IN MY BAG taking up space?
I had to get the lens I was told. Then it would become a toy.
So this bag occupying thing stayed in my bags for another week as I waited for the lens mission to pop up. When I finally got the lens I was so glad to make it into a toy so it could get out of my bags. Phew! I resisted taking selfies of myself, but then I landed my first achievement that could get me a monument in my Garrison.
So I thought I'd try it out. Let's see...
Oh god, I blinked. These filter things are kinda cool, I guess. Let me try that again.
I guess it take skill to take a selfie, And sadly I don't have the skillz. Nor am I that photogenic. Guess I've saved the world from my bad selfies.
I had to get the lens I was told. Then it would become a toy.
So this bag occupying thing stayed in my bags for another week as I waited for the lens mission to pop up. When I finally got the lens I was so glad to make it into a toy so it could get out of my bags. Phew! I resisted taking selfies of myself, but then I landed my first achievement that could get me a monument in my Garrison.
So I thought I'd try it out. Let's see...
Oh god, I blinked. These filter things are kinda cool, I guess. Let me try that again.
I guess it take skill to take a selfie, And sadly I don't have the skillz. Nor am I that photogenic. Guess I've saved the world from my bad selfies.