Channel: The Daily Frostwolf - Druid Edition
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To move on or to stay? The Dilemma of finding raiders

We have been so down on tanks and stuff lately that raiding isn't happening and two of our raiding guildies are probably going to leave server.  It doesn't surprise me really - Gutsy asked me to move as well, and though it would have been nice to raid but I could never leave Frostwolves - it's my family and my home!  His guild on Jubei'thos just killed the chicken, and it would certainly be appealing for those members who wanted to raid.

So where does that leave us?  Sev is still gearing up his monk but I doubt that it would be there by Wednesday.  If one of the members leaves, another will likely not come back to play.  The core of officers will still remain, with Aza, Raked and Sabre still attending.  Luxy might come and raid too (gosh that would be great for all that mail we keep sharding) but that is a super tight roster.  No room for sit outs, really.  Lushen might go if we ask as well, but I am not sure.

Moo did say that if we changed servers again he would quit playing.  Well, I don't know if he still thinks that but he might.  That would make it worse.

Half price server transfers were last week, but the option was there in my mind.  Would the guild benefit from a move to a more populated server?  It wouldn't be the first time we had moved our guild (we did come 4 or 5 years ago from Khadgar-US).

Last night we didn't raid because Raked was sick.  I wonder if that had been the last straw for some.  Tanking is tough work, I tell you.  I logged on late because I had been out.

After hearing the news about the guildies, I went to investigate the most populated and progressed servers.  The two highest Oceanic servers are PvP servers - Frostmourne and Barthilas.  The highest two PvE servers are Saurfang and Caelestrasz - servers we are familiar with since we see them cross realm all the time.

I made a level one and asked in trade - a good way to tell what the general mentality of a server is like.  Surprisingly, NOT full of trolls and some people were very helpful, giving me information about the server and what the general atmosphere is like.  Some said that it was generally a pleasant server.  Progression wise  we would be midway somewhere.

Some people asked me about whether my guild would like to join with theirs.  That would not happen as we would probably stay as our own guild and recruit, but it was nice to investigate.  I talked to Aza, and Aza told me he would go with us (I was worried he might go and hang with some of his other friends instead) and he said to me that he would recommend Caelestrasz as he had friends there who had alts who would help us fill our raids. That sounded promising.

I rang Fue to discuss the option of moving and he mildly chastised me for not advertising for recruitment - however, recruiting is kinda dead on our server, and lots of guilds are recruiting so the chances of picking anyone up are slim.  I was relying more on friends of friends.

Anyway, I put a recruitment post up, and chatted to a few people who were looking for guild, but so far nothing much. I changed the message of the day to reflect some thoughts on the matter, and wonder who will move with us.  I wonder if many of our socials will come - they probably would.  I wonder if we start from a level 1 guild again!  I wonder what I can take?  OMG my void storage what do I do about that!

Dath'remar has been a good server, there were some great times here.  I feel sad leaving it - I have friends here who aren't in the guild.  It might also be quite sad for Dath'remar, as a large guild may suddenly vanish, leaving the horde population even less than it was before.

And if I move servers I will need to change my banner!  OMG!  It is a bit outdated anyway... but ohhhh change can be hard sometimes!

This all makes me feel despondent.  I think I need to do something exciting to make me feel better!

So... I have a giveaway planned - maybe think of it as a moving party giveaway!  It will be coming up soon and it will have some VERY exciting things to win.  But it will need some knowledge of me and my blog as well as some thinking cap work, so it may not be as fun as you think!  Stay tuned.

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