It wouldn't be the first night of a new raid without a reset right in the middle of raid time.
So that happened both Wednesday AND Thursday night!
We were actually missing a few people from the heroic raid roster - including a few healers! So we got Crooked to heal and managed to knock off the first boss before shutdown and lots of people got shinies!
It was a really fun raid night, and nice to play with a big group of people. I thought it would be terrible with all that melee but overall I had fun. Yeah there were a few dramas later that only a guild leader need be concerned with but overall everyone was pretty happy that we had gotten 2 heroic bosses down.
Good work Frostwolves!
Wednesday Attendees:
Tanks: Aimei, Splatz
Healers: Navimie, Vilandras, Nerdoflight, Crooked, Ramfu
DPS: Azadelta, Lushen, Ultrapwnd, Krygore, Sevrus, Eurie, Owl, Eirianna/Koda, Constiani, Goodgravy, Fin, Genowen, Tyefighter, Magmage, Deciphel, Demonsauce/Deez, Galestion (Talok only), Ekancap/Pancake (Talok only)
Thursday night didn't turn out so good. We attempted Fetid Devourer but it was a bit of a DPS check that we weren't making so we decided to call it by the time restarts happened midway thru raid, and we made the decision to go and do normal instead.
There was however, one hiccup.
Splatz didn't come back.
We ended up going without him for the first 2 bosses on normal but halted at Fetid Devourer because he really shouldn't miss out on that boss since we're killing it for the first time.
We had a slightly different crowd this time around.
Vilandras didn't come for raid so we were totally priestless! I asked Hexything, one of our new social raiding guildies who was happy to sub in occasionally to come heal with us.
On normal we just 4 healed it and that seeemed easy. Guess we'll see what it's like on Sunday!
So that happened both Wednesday AND Thursday night!
We were actually missing a few people from the heroic raid roster - including a few healers! So we got Crooked to heal and managed to knock off the first boss before shutdown and lots of people got shinies!
We came back after a quick reset (was only offline for about 15 minutes) and we came back and had a crack at Mother. It was way more confusing that I think it should have been, and we managed to get that down as well right before 11pm. Yay us!
It was a really fun raid night, and nice to play with a big group of people. I thought it would be terrible with all that melee but overall I had fun. Yeah there were a few dramas later that only a guild leader need be concerned with but overall everyone was pretty happy that we had gotten 2 heroic bosses down.
Good work Frostwolves!
Wednesday Attendees:
Tanks: Aimei, Splatz
Healers: Navimie, Vilandras, Nerdoflight, Crooked, Ramfu
DPS: Azadelta, Lushen, Ultrapwnd, Krygore, Sevrus, Eurie, Owl, Eirianna/Koda, Constiani, Goodgravy, Fin, Genowen, Tyefighter, Magmage, Deciphel, Demonsauce/Deez, Galestion (Talok only), Ekancap/Pancake (Talok only)
Thursday night didn't turn out so good. We attempted Fetid Devourer but it was a bit of a DPS check that we weren't making so we decided to call it by the time restarts happened midway thru raid, and we made the decision to go and do normal instead.
There was however, one hiccup.
Splatz didn't come back.
We ended up going without him for the first 2 bosses on normal but halted at Fetid Devourer because he really shouldn't miss out on that boss since we're killing it for the first time.
We had a slightly different crowd this time around.
Vilandras didn't come for raid so we were totally priestless! I asked Hexything, one of our new social raiding guildies who was happy to sub in occasionally to come heal with us.
On normal we just 4 healed it and that seeemed easy. Guess we'll see what it's like on Sunday!